Show & Tell and the View on Your City
We went live with the Design Your Summer program in New York & what a great experience it is so far. A great collaboration between Rambler Studios, Henry Street Settlement and Abrons Art Center.
Prepping for Show & Tell
Every week we’ll try to take you along and share an update of the week. Rima Freeman is our Creative Mentor and project Liason on the program and this her view on the group:
”The group is very committed to being Ramblers, which makes the experience all the more special and rewarding for them. They get along really well and I find them supportive and engaged when they share, all good stuff!
This week is all about getting all the projects up to now into a presentation for Show & Tell. This is the first time they are going to see each other’s work :)
Everyone’s excited and prepared, I LOVE that!”
Views on Your City
Each week we ask our Ramblers to share answer an assigment with some photography from their city. This week’s about the views they have on their city (and from their room).
By Angelina - Her New York view
By Jenny - A view from her window
By Stone - His NYC view
By Megan - View from her window